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Shailender Singh Monti

Playing sports can make you stronger and healthier, contributing to lower obesity rates, according to Prime Minister Narendra Modi. Athletes tend to have lower body mass indexes, but non-athlete participants will still benefit from developing muscles and burning calories. Active sports people tend to have lower rates of diabetes cholesterol and high blood pressure. Exercising regularly through sports programs could contribute to better heart and lung function.

Sports also play a vital role in imparting character values, according to Sport and Development.org. Playing sports can help teach honesty, teamwork and fair play. Learning to follow rules and respecting teammates and opponents can also be useful. Experiencing the role of a graceful winner and loser teaches us about being humble, and competition, in general, can teach individuals about self-respect, confidence and managing stress. Taking on leading roles within your team can also teach you leadership and team bonding.

Following this theory I (Shailender Singh Monti) promoting sports in my constituency. Whenever I saw the people playing Cricket, football etc in the park, I feel happy for them. Last year when I and my supporters organized the Malviya Nagar Cricket tournament, our moto was only to promote the sports in our constituency.
A total of 32 Teams participated in this tournament and half of the players of all the teams were between 28 to 34 years. It showed that age is just a number. Some of the players were employed in Government as well as in Private Organisations. When I (Shailender Singh Monti) spoke to them, "Why you participated in this cricket tournament" he said- When I was young I used to play cricket, now I am busy in my job and other schedules, I have no time for playing cricket. I am happy that this constituency has some great leaders like you, who think about others too. This event reminds me of my childhood".
This year we are also organizing the same Monti Cricket event. A total of 32 teams will fight for the battle. I hope, this year we will get the same support from the people of Malviya Nagar as we got the last year.

Source: http://medium.com/@shailendersinghmonty/shailnder-singh-monty-work-for-school-b97ec4a6bf86